Later in the year I am going to Britmums Live. Its a conference in London about blogging mums and other things. Im really excited about it espeically about the bit where i get to stay in a hotel in London overnight *squeal* like a grown kids…ah so exciting…
There are lots of other mums going and Carley over at Stepfordwifey is running a little link up so that some faces can be put to some names. If you fancy joining in go over to Carley's blog and join in.
So here we go.
Hellloooooo *waves*
Name: Sarah
Blog: apartyofseven
Twitter ID: apartyofseven
Height: 5ft 4 and a little bit (its very important!)
Hair: shoulder length reddy brown depending on the bottle 😉
Likes: photography, sunshine, snow, blue skys, kids laughing, Lady grey tea, diet coke (i shouldn't i know), cadbury chocolate, sunflowers, roaring fires, hot chocolate, bags, beaches, skype, twitter…..
Dislikes: Inequality. injustice, poverty and people who don't pick up their dog's poo.
thats me with my 4th baby who won't be coming to britmumslive…. *skip*
Looking forward to meeting you!
Look forward to meeting you – I am going too!
thx. looking forward to meeting you too. Maybe we could all exchange numbers nearer the time 🙂
Looking forward to meeting you!
Hi Sarah,
just popping over from the “meet and greet”. Lovely to “meet” you. Can’t wait ’til June, I’m doing the “grown up thing” of staying in a hotel (and hubby is coming too, but not the baby!) so that’s double the excitement, right?
Hi there Amanda thx for popping by, catch up with you at britmums 🙂