has it really been half a year….??
Our lovely little Matilda who at six months old…
- Has got that James baby look….but looks more like big brother, i think, than the girls…
- Does this flicking things with her fingers when she is either feeding or going to sleep..its cute…
- Continues to grow blonde hair and continues to have blue eyes
- Digs the baby bjorn or the backpac carrier but is no fan of the buggy…i think we may have created that one..oops:)
- Is getting super tolerant of the 'love' she receives from her siblings. She doesnt seem much less jumpy but she just has stopped wailing when they make noise now, which is a really good thing..
- Doesn't roll yet, wiggles, squirms but has no desire to get her nose near the floor..cant say i blame her.
- Sitting very well, although not reliably…getting a bit savvy for the bumbo and starting to arch her back when she is in it..time to take it off the kitchen table mama…AHEM!!!
- Grabby grabby grabby….
- Likes the non milky variety of foodstuffs..has tried some rice cakes, breadsticks and this week the joys of carrot and baby rice and liking it all so far. Her weaning speed is in direct correlation with my desire to chop and squash a ton of veggies…so pretty slow!
- Is actually just pretty good natured, she is used to a floor show so gets a bit lonesome when the 'bigs' are not around with the entertainment.
- Has, the past couple of nights, slept without needing any midnight appearances…we like :)
- Still is called 'B-tilda' by Poppy.
- Yet to get teeth, although that is nothing new in our family….we do teeth…late!
- Is pretty much always sleep deprived in the day, im always waking her up to do school or nursery run..she is probably looking forward to the school holiday more than me!!
- Has had one go in the door bouncy thingy..seemed to like it…but getting them into those things is the most incredible FAFF..someone invent a better way…per-lease.
- Has been swimming with mama twice now and first time had a blast, second time fell asleep just outside the pool and so spent most of the lesson with a kind of 'Wha?' look on her face….
- gives me a bit of a pang now when i have to scroll waaaay back in iphoto to get to her newborn pics…although that might be more of a reflection of how many pictures i take rather than time passing…ah well…
darling pictures. treasure each moment, because they roll by so fast!
What do they have to grow up so fact???