bringing the #thegallery back..

yes im trying to get back into the swing of doing the gallery. If you want to find out what this is you can click the link that is over there to the left and it will take you to Tara's site. 

This week its phone pictures. I take LOTS of pictures with my phone. I completely LOVE my slr but it is heavy and bulky and not so great when you are toting 5 kids around all the time..but my nifty little iphone is just brilliant. Since upgrading my phone as well, the camera on it is not too shabby. 

So when i thought of one that i really liked i thought of this one..there are a couple of reasons that i really like this one. I have shared it before i think on a silent sunday..but my reasons are:

i took it in the run through of my older girls ballet show in the theatre and the teacher quite fussy about pictures being taken and so i was trying to be fairly discreet…

As i said it was my girls ballet show and as much as the practice and rehersals were quite long and expensive. I totally LOVED that they were part of it and was so so so proud of them. I love that my girls dance. 

I also love that there is just that air of expectation and that lovely 'what are they looking at?' part of this shot. They were watching the older girls while they waited for their turn and they were totallly quite and gripped. That was fab. There is that waiting to step out into the limelight feel to it and i love the apprehension you get from imagining how they felt..

All that..caught on an iphone because there was no way that i would have been able to use my camera.

A photographer friend of mine commented on this photo when i put it on facebook and when i said id taken it with my iphone he replied 'you are only as good as the camera you have with you' i think 🙂 apologies Chris T, if ive got that wrong!!

20 Nov 2011



  1. January 11, 2012 / 11:18 pm

    Yay for the sneaky little iphone! What a great shot!

  2. January 11, 2012 / 11:33 pm

    Thx Katie. Yes everyone was trying to take sneaky little shots, can’t believe she didn’t notice! 🙂

  3. January 17, 2012 / 11:44 pm

    Totally totally love this photo. It’s exactly what having a good phone camera is all about; being able to capture a moment like this when a regular camera wouldn’t have been appropriate. Well done you, a cracker x

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