Reflecting part 5: make a shape and pull a face! #magicmoments #whatsthestory #mamarazzi
I am continuing my series of looking at some of my images from last year and sharing some of my thoughts and the settings i have used. Last week i was talking about learning and how, i believe, that is the greatest investment you can make in your photography arsenal!
One of those things that we all say is how much we love natural shots, those candid captures that really bring out the personality of our subjects. Its something that we all strive to do as we tell the stories of our lives. Sometimes its not always the easiest to do. The light may be poor, the environment might not be right or you might just have not got to that shutter quick enough! 😉
One of those images that people love is the everyone jumping in the air type shots. We have all seen them, they are a favourite wedding shot or portrait session shot of the family. Its something everyone can have a go at and when you have a couple of wriggly kids it is a great distraction and they all love getting involved.
From a photographers point of view that type of shot is actually quite hard to do well. I like doing the shot because the kids love it but it isnt an easy shot for me to do well and be happy enough with it. Its often a shot that i would ask a family with older kids to do as they can actually jump away from something..rather than fall, which is what a lot of toddlers will look like they are doing. But if we are getting nowhere with some little ones then this type of shot can certainly bring them back into the spirit of it!
Its a hard shot to do outside of a studio setting. When you can control the lights and use strobe lights and have a fast shutter and lower aperture then you can get a sharp image and freeze movement. Outside you are limited to using settings that are appropriate for the lighting you have been afforded and so you might not be able to have a fast enough shutter in order to give you that low aperture (big number) so that your depth of field can work for you and more is in focus!
I mentioned this type of shot to another photography hero of mine who i spent a workshop day with and his advice was don’t do it unless asked!! 😉
So here are a few of my thoughts on how i go about getting these shots.
1. As i mentioned it is a great shot to get the kids back on side. They love to do it, all kids love to jump and they love the fact that they might be caught in action. It is the one shot that always gets them rushing to see a preview back on the screen.
2. One thing i always make sure that i explain to the kids is that they have to listen to me and only jump when i say so. I usually count them down 1.2.3.jump!
3. I always tell them to make a shape. usually arms out to the side, legs out..or something…if they just jump then if you capture that moment it will just look like they are falling. Doesn’t give much of a feeling of movement. So…make a shape!
4. Look Ahead! its natural for all kids to look down to where they are falling. That is going to get you a shot of the top of their heads. So i always say look at me and pull a face!! We go for make a shape and pull a face! It usually works!
5. You need a low or narrower aperture (thats a high number) or F stop. I would usually aim for F8 so that i can try my very best to get most of the family in focus. A family is made up of lots of different heights so if you are asking them all to jump up in the air, focusing each person well is hard. A wide aperture (low number) may give you one person’s face in focus but everyone else will be soft.
6. You need a fast shutter speed. You want to freeze movement right? Generally i would shoot at above 1/250 to capture the movement.
7. Aim to try it in good lighting…bright daylight conditions. Then you won’t have to massively increase your ISO to cope with the aperture etc that you are needing for your camera.
8. Hold hands! This is a really good one if you have little kids, will help to get everyone going ‘up” at the same time.
9. Put your subject on a little hill or step and ask them to jump off that rather than jump UP in the air from a flat surface. It’s easier and not so much effort for a little one.
10. Set your camera’s focus to a single point. On a lot of cameras it will give you lots of AF points. You can set your camera to only pick the one you choose. If you leave it to select it, it will be jumping around all over the place trying to focus on the different subjects. Use it to help you get folks in focus. Select one ( i usually go for middle) and then you can always re-compose your shot if need be.
I never really tire of this shot. Even though, in reality, most clients are not going to choose it for their wall. But i do love the joy that it brings out in the kids and the kid its brings out in the adults!! 🙂
Here are some of my favourite ones…
Training with company #countrykids
A few weeks ago i went to buy some more training shoes. I have been really putting it off as my last time was something of an experience. But i knew that my current trainers had far too many miles on them, way beyond the conservative estimate of the shoe-making companies! So i thought it was time to get some more.
While i was in the shop the runner/shop assistant was asking me about races i had run and when i responded with the fact that i like to run on my own so races would be a little bit tough. She merely responded quietly with ‘you should, you know’
Getting home i realised that she had popped a little leaflet of local races in my bag with the trainers. Flicking through i saw an advert for a local half marathon and 10K in February, checking the calendar i could see that i wouldnt be scheduled on to work that weekend. So i went to the computer and entered!!
So i thought id better crank up my training a bit to get in shape for the longer distance. Im not too bad with distance its just that i rarely have the actual time in my day to do anything lengthy, apart from a the weekend when i can go out later (sun has risen YAY) an then see where it takes me. I usually go further and enjoy the daylight. I cannot wait till the clocks go forward then my usual time to go out is lighter and i don’t go and out and return in the dark. My goal is now to aim for a half marathon by the end of the year! But first lets see how the 10K goes!:)
This week my daughter asked to come with me. I told her it would be slightly longer than she was used to. She was still up for it so we thought we would give it a go! I do cherish these times when i have a bit of alone time but when one of the kids asks if they can come along, i find it really hard to say no. 🙂 In our family i guess the older ones are starting to realise that they need to fight for their alone time with their parents!
So last weekend my daughter was my companion and most of the way she did really well. We stopped to admire some amazing sunrises and went further than we have ever gone before! i love the big fuss the nike app makes about a new PB in something!..makes me feel all special in a funny way.
So who is going to cheer me on, in my first ever race?
Gone too soon…
the words that fell like droplets into the water, easy to say, but smashing through the soul and tearing us apart.
She’s gone.
This isn’t a tragedy. A tragedy is something in a film, or a book. A weepy novel that you stay up till 3am to finish sniffing away tears and dabbing at your eyes. Played out by actors who can hold the emotion for the seconds till the curtain falls and then smile and laugh at a job well done.
Not this. This is not that. This is real life…real and horrible and so very cruel. This has been the final curtain call. Robbing the world, a village, a family, a boy.
Injustice we cry. Its not fair we shout into the silence. Such a loss. Frantically trying to understand we fumble around in our awkwardness and blurt out platitudes and empty words when there are none to say.
Nothing at all.
But words, we have to speak, we have to try and make sense of it all. The sadness we all are wearing like over-sized winter coats, swamping us, crushing our chests so we can barely breathe.
Our hearts beat in the silence.
The children laugh.
Shielded from grief by the gift of their innocence.
For now.
We are holding on, white knuckles, gripping the side of the boat. The sea may be calm now but it will rise and fall like a great ocean, spitting out white jets of rage and pain. It will come for us all in different ways.
We have all lost.
Coming together again to say goodbye.  Leaving a trail of tears and travel  as we are drawn together to stand side by side like soldiers left behind.
Sadly united again.
We look to the skies and plead for answers as the great wheels of life roll on, clattering past with  stinging brutality. Like a hit and run driver. Leaving us devastated and broken by the side of the road. How can it go on?
Why does the world not stop when our hearts have?
But still it goes on….
We know, deep in our hearts, in the middle of despair, that it will happen. Life, even for us, will continue. The rawness of these days will dull a little maybe and breathing in and out every day will become less painful. It is there in the future….
A sunrise that might make us smile again, a joke that we might smile at. Warmth that might start to spread through our souls. Joy that might suddenly fill our hearts, surprising us. Reflecting, remembering, smiling.
But for now.
for now…
we are sad.