Sly fox in the kitchen after school #ordinarymoments #whatsthestory

We have had a bit of a re-jig with our hard drives recently and it has unearthed some real gems and i thought i would share some of them. This little bunch of shots made me smile. I can actually remember it like it was yesterday. It was in fact not long after our youngest was born. I think she must have been a couple of months and we were deep into winter.

This was after school one day when it was dark soon after we got home. Only two out of my five were actually in school then! It was one of those times before the extra activities had invaded our schedules as they have now and so when we came home from school it was down time and some snackage and play time.

The school kids were showing me a game they had learnt at school called sly fox and we were playing it in the kitchen and i kept turning round and taking shots as they tried to creep up behind me and  be the ‘sly fox.’ They thought it was hilarious when i didn’t turn round and they managed to get to me in time!

It feels like a simpler time actually without the crazyness that now fills our lives and all the running around. That is the nature of the kids getting older i suppose. Its fun to look back and see the kids all little too!!


cMotivational Mondaythe ordinary moments


A walk of remembrance #countrykids

A few weeks ago was remembrance day and since my daughters have joined the Brownies and got invited to carry the flag in the church and on the parade. It was a gorgeous, cold morning and after a lovely service where the girls did a great job of carrying the flag (the one flag, between the two of them – you can see there might be a problem brewing there!), the whole bunch of them, the boys brigade, the girls, brownies and scouts etc all disappeared down behind the church and marched past to the sound of the boys band. It was lovely.

We did get a bit of a hint of some brewing sibling trouble as the girls rounded the corner..some serious, frowning faces and we discovered that someone had told the girls that they couldn’t ‘share’ the holding of the flag for the march. In the church we had worked it out that one of them could hold the actual stick and the other could hold the corner of the material, then everybody was happy.

But that all went south when someone didnt appreciate the delicate balance of asking two sisters to do the same job!!

I think next time it might be time for an independent effort!

But it was so lovely to see the kids marching in the november sunshine to remember those gone before.



Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

mummy mishaps

Monty Python isnt funny? #wotsofunee

I heard on the radio today that some of the surviving guys from Monty Python are getting back together for some more performances. I have to say that i have never been a fan of Monty Python. Shhhh…I know. I just don’t get it. I have tried..ive watched it and gawped amazed as my fellow watchers roll around the sofas holding onto their bellies.

I have no idea what is funny about it?…i am clearly not entirely british..or insane enough to understand their sort of humour. to me its just not funny…

it got me thinking what do i actually find funny and why and i think largely the comes down to two categories…

a) accidental…as in this type of thing…





b) observational…i used to think ( back in the day) that Eddie Izzard was perhaps the funniest guy i have ever watched. Me and the now OH used to watch his DVD’s before we got engaged and literally not be able to move for laughing. I even went and saw him live. The only comic i have ever seen live. So thats quite something. Now..he has gone a little bit strange and a bit too hollywood. But there are a few others that have taken over for me and some of my favourites are:


Wot So Funee?


A different kind of autumn ordinary #oneweek

I have mentioned a few times before that i tend to like to go for a jog now and again. I nearly always go in the morning as it is a time when i can spare some time! Its also a really handy way to walk the dog at the same time. He isn’t crazy about it. I think he tends to hide in his bed when he hears me come down the stairs in the morning. But as the morning dog walk is up to me then if i can get it out of the way before the school run..well its always good to have one less thing to worry about.

When it starts to get darker in the mornings though I tend to wait till the light is up a little bit which gives me a smaller window of time to go. Im just not crazy about heading out in the dark! So i like to head out, i dont go far, or fast and lately because of the light i do have less time but it is still so important for me to go. Sometimes its just 30 minutes but its like gold to me.

I listen to some tunes and sometimes just stare hard ahead and other times search the depths of my thoughts. Hearing the sounds of the world waking and my own heart beating along with it. There is something meaningful to me that in part I actually can’t explain.

Sometimes i cross paths with others who are out doing the same thing. There is a funny sort of kinship between early morning joggers. A slight acknowledgement is usually all that is needed but its there, the feeling of being part of the opening of a new day.

This past week the weather has been better than usual for me in the morning and my ordinary jog turned into a discovery of how fantastic the autumn can look in the beautiful autumn sunshine. The sun can just lift my spirits. I really love the sun. Seeing it bouncing around the yellows and reds of autumn is incredible.

This is a very ordinary part of my day and i guess walking/jogging with the dog may not seem like much. But, to me, these tiny moments of time are really significant to me. Its my headspace.

It is extra special when there is an incredible accompaniment to marvel at on the way. 🙂

Motivational Mondaythe ordinary moments

one week


#silentsunday #365 #worldprematurityday
