Overheard #wotsofunee

Two little girls sat in the bath

1: “when I grow up im going to be in a fairytale, like a princess in a story. Im going to have a horse, who will be white and have long hair..on his head, i think but as well on his back. I think I will have lots of long dresses and  live in a castle.

2: ‘me too’

1: ‘Im going to have lots of chocolate, the sort that mummy likes and *whispers* that she doesn’t let us have

2: ‘me too’

1: ‘My friends will all want to come and live in my castle and I will have lots of dogs’

2: ‘me too’

1: ‘I might let you come and visit me you know, if you are nice and are  a princess?’

2: *silence*

1: ‘what do you want to do? what do you want to be?’

2: *silence*

1: ‘do you want to be a princess?’

2: ‘no. i want to be a body!’


Wot So Funee?
also linking up with Katie at Mummydaddyandme..ordinary moments.

Finding the time…to write…

This season I am in right now is the highest of high crazy and i seem to be unable to sit down for a few minutes or 20 to write on my blog. I am always a little in awe of people who manage to write so often and get posts edited an up all the time.

Im not sure if its that they can just formulate their thoughts a lot quicker than me or if they are less anal about the images they post. I am. I know it. I edit every single image that goes onto my blog and that takes time. I also wont post something im not happy with…so sometimes a post doesnt get written because i dont have the right image for it.

I guess images are important to me.

The time i write is at night generally when the kids are in bed and with our older ones going to bed later and later that time seems to be getting smaller and smaller..I dont need a whole lot of sleep but i do need sleep and generally i try and cut off by midnight because i get up at 6 and i think 6 hours sleep is the minimum really. (for me anyhow)

Ive tried writing in the day and its just too hard. If the kids are not sitting on the arm of the chair asking me questions then they are quiet somewhere and with toddlers we all know what that means!!

This week though my littlest has lost her daytime playmate to school and so the chance of writing in the day often looks like this….

I did try and in the end i gave up!

When is the best time for you to write?



(not so) #silentsunday #socialpix #365 #whatsthestory

Now I know words are now way never allowed in silent sunday..but i couldn’t actually post this picture without a bit of an explanation (hence its my whats the story as well!)  and also some credit because as much as i would like to say this image was all my own idea. The image is mine, I shot it in a recent baby shoot i had with a really fabulous couple who were up for trying something a little bit different to what i would normally do but i had seen the idea of this sort of shot from the inspiration of, Tracy Willis, who is an incredible baby photographer.  I thought wow and i have to have a go at that!!

I dont often post images from my photography work here on this blog (which i think i have mentioned before) but this image is more of a work in progess for me and part of my journey with my baby photography. The website i use for my clients is a little different and less of a blog and ongoing story if you like than this blog. So..i thought this was the right place for it. Its part of my story and this blog is exactly that!!

I have been playing with this image all week so it is my image of the week. 🙂

Oh and just to add as a disclaimer…even though i am using this as a silent sunday image i am not (and rarely do) link up to the silent sunday linky as this doesn’t follow the hosts rules about no words and Im not a rule breaker…haha! not all the time anyway 😉

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky





Rock Hopping #countrykids

We really enjoyed the beach in France. We managed to go a couple of times and do a ‘proper’ beach day. As in, swimming and surfing, playing in the sand, eating sandy food and being chased up the beach by the rapidly advancing tide. It was beautifully hot on so many of those days but as is the way with the atlantic coast the breeze keeps you cool.

But on a few other days we went to a more rocky and rockpool part of the coastline. I was really amazed just how long the kids enjoyed looking for little crabs and fish in the pools. We had toted the fishing nets all the way from the UK so we were determined that they get an outing. Lots of the French seem to be out near the shore looking for muscles i think and there was a good many kids and families all slowly walking through the networks of little pools examining what was living there.

There were a couple of hard learnt lessons, like you need to wear your shoes when you are walking on wet rocks otherwise you slip..oh and a toddler and deep (ish) pools of water mean wet clothes. 😉

There were little craggy beaches hidden amongst the rocks with dank, eerie caves that i just peered into but the kids explored with enthusiasm. Of course if there is rocks then you can bet that it wont be too long till the OH is dangling from one on his fingertips. Once a rock climber always a rock climber. 😉

It was still lovely and warm and as we had a few of our kids down with a little bit of a dodgy tummy that afternoon it was a nice low key activity to do before we headed back for tea.

No fish to cook though!! lol

Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


Missing summer #oneweek

It has turned so cold. Like the calender flicked to september and someone just turned off the summer. I was hoping, praying for a bit of Indian summer lovely. Where the return of school  was heralded with many more warm afternoons after school in the garden with ice-pops.

But no. It disappeared. Leaving us with a bewilderingly low temperatures and fingers hovering near the over-ride button the central heating. Its like we had our fair share of sun over the summer months and there is no more chances at a top up.

I know people do love the autumn, the falling leaves, crisp mornings and long walks wrapped up in gloves and scarfs. I can even relate a little to that but i think since these past nearly 11 years of having children any love affair i had with autumn has sort of fallen to the way side.

A few of those reasons could be:

  • refusing to wear coats, gloves, scarfs, long sleeve tops, shoes, wellies…
  • determined to wear summer dresses, flip flops. sparkly thin strapped nonsense that parade themselves as shoes, the most thin cardigan in the world and declare ‘i have a jumper on!’ on the coldest day of the year so far!
  • Running and sliding on leaves which are wet..and slippy..and falling inevitably. One of those situations where the joy you gain in ‘being right’ is quickly eclipsed by the realisation that its you that has to take them to the 2 hours wait in the drop in centre for a twisted knee.
  • the rain. the rain. the rain.
  • Colds..and im not talking temperatures…germ filled children everywhere you turn. It turns september and you can go out and every other child has those shiny, green trails down their noses.  *shudder*
  • Cold feet!
  • Lost gloves, hats, scarfs……insert any winter type garment that you lovingly buy that then gets discarded within 60 seconds.

Things are just harder in cold weather, every outing involves intense negotiation, battle grounds and a small trailer of extra wear.

I think there was a time when, i too, used to love autumn. A great excuse to cuddle up on the sofa with a huge cuppa and watch a movie from under a duvet. Now….cuddling up on the sofa means a full scale war over who has the fluffyest bit of the blanket, a foot to the groin and biscuit crumbs descending silently to the forgotten wasteland that is ‘down the sofa’

Not to mention the fight over what to actually watch on the TV…which can take years and a full UN peace treaty to resolve!

So a reluctant hello to autumn. I will agree you are pretty with your colours and your moods. You get rid of the evil that is a wasp. There was once a time when you and i were friends..but then my world became inhabited with small opinionated, clothing averse people…and..


just so that we are straight..

I’d like summer back.

Me, the kids and my sanity miss it.



one week


Wot So Funee?