where they are. right now. #motivationalmonday #mondayclub #magicmoments #whatsthestory

This is the FRENCH edition..we are currently on holiday and im entrusting these posts to WordPress scheduling so who knows if it will work. 😉

This months theme on motivational monday is children. Hey..guess what…

I have a few of those;)

So i thought i would give a little run down of each of the little folk who dwell here in this dwelling.

Today is the turn of my fourth baby. Our third girl. She is our sweet little blonde haired, blue eyed girl. She was born with a sizeable bit of Velcro on her back with which she liked to be secured firmly to me. 🙂

Right now she is:

  • Very ever so much ready for school, despite her comments the other day. She is really keen to start and its going to be interesting in September when she doesn’t actually go into school until a week into the term. I predict some long walks home from school!
  • She had the most perfect little baby head when she was born. She wasn’t very big and she was born in such a hurry. (that will happen when you suddenly decide to jump off the bed and stand up when you are pushing!) that her little head never really got effected by the big squeeze and she had the most gorgeous little mop of dark hair with a perfect baby swirl.
  • Loves to watch TV. She used to walk into the house and turn in on and sit down in front of it. We have coped a little better with that now and she is a bit more limited. She is an avid cbeebies fan!
  • Is incredibly good at ‘imaginary play’ I think this comes from being in a big and busy family and sometimes she just needs to be able to get on and play and make up games for herself
  • She just started dancing before the end of the term. She is another avid dancer and twirls and spins all the time. She is very happy to be in the same ballet school as her big sisters
  • She loves to bake..but I think its more about licking out the bowl than anything else!
  • She used to eat pretty much anything now she has switched and is incredibly fussy.
  • She is very very observant. She will notice anything new whether that’s a new book or a pair of shoes.
  • She loves to sing and picks up music really easily so you have to be really careful what you listen to when she is about because you can bet your life she will sing the lyrics back to you at just the moment that will cause you most embarrassment
  • She loves Monsters Inc. She loves Sully. He lives on her bed.
  • One time I was doing some washing and she picked up a pair of my knickers and said ‘WOW GINOURMOUS PANTS!”
  • She very nearly drove me to drink with her potty training adventures. I thought I would be sending her to school in pull ups!

themondayclubMotivational Monday

You can carry on entering to win for the gorgeous LUSH box below, just follow the rafflecopter!

Happy Monday everyone!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Room 101

I got tagged by a couple of lovely bloggers recently. Havent been tagged for a while so felt like it was time to join in again. AND I get to have a little bit of a rant.

whats not to like eh?

I really liked the show Room 101. I have no idea if it is still showing, probably somewhere. The amount of channels we have now there is a strong chance that at any given time there is a repeat of every show that ever was. But anyway I really liked seeing the things that really got under some people’s skin. Some of them it had to be said were predictable but others were a little bit of a surprise.

So what would I put in Room 101? I asked my kids this question and after explaining what it was we had lots of silly answers like ‘my brother!’ ‘my sister’ ‘school’ (though I think I understand that a bit!)

But then my son came up with Mosquitos as they cause malaria and we all nodded sagely. Good one.

So now here is where I sound really shallow when I share mine! ha!

1. Dog Poo. I was a little reluctant to include this as I have moaned about it a lot before. But really, it is the one thing that can turn a lovely walk sour. I have had, I confess, a particularly horrid stomach bug as a result of dog poo….well my disastrous attempt to clean it off a toddler’s foot with tissues as I had no wipes and I obviously couldn’t wash my hands..i don’t need to say anymore do I? Suffice to say I have NEVER had stomach cramps like it. Also to be fair to dogs, its not their fault. So perhaps the owners who have irresponsible behaviour should be the ones that go in. Anyway GET IN!

2. Beauty/celebrity magazines – I cannot stand the way they force a view of women and the world onto…well…everyone! I use photoshop.

I know that ALL images are edited for print.


and yes that happens but to the degree where you are shaving off inches off people thighs and hips and making out like that is actually how they look? that’s poor.

Those flawless complexions of the supermodel advertising night cream?

There’s no night cream that can do that..its called the clone tool or a myriad of other options that can totally change a person’s appearance

Its rubbish and I hate it, hate that it gives girls a warped view of what is accepted as beautiful. Hate that it gives boys a warped view of what they should see as beautiful.

I loved during the Olympics that the girls that were being paraded as heroines where fresh out of the boat, hair skewed, no make up, real, spirit filled women. THESE are the sorts of women I want my girls to look up to. Not the nonsense of the reality show dropouts.

Celebrity magazines are full of people who are famous for what? nothing? Half a singing voice and being supposedly cute?

What do they show our kids about how they can achieve their goals and their dreams?


They show up, they get picked up and then a whirlwind of people who probably have worked hard in their industry (but you don’t hear anything about) surround them and plan their ascent into reality show stardom.

What about people who have worked hard, survived knock backs, years of waiting and knocking on doors, perseverance. Don’t tell me these 16  year olds who go ‘Its all I ever wanted to do my WHOLE life!’ know what the hell they are talking about.

Your whole life?


That is not what I want my kids to see as success. Success that is hard won, fought for through many battles over the years. That’s what I want to see.

3. Katie Hopkins. Good lord I actually hate having her name on my blog. But seriously I cannot stand her and there are few people that if I was confronted with I would struggle to be basically civil to but she is one of them. I never liked her from her apprentice days with her horrendously bad make up and 80’s dynasty way of dressing. Nice line of pearls and bobbed highlighted hair, sensible heels and shoulder pads that could have your eye out. Exactly the sort of school mum I would make a massive detour to avoid.

But since then she has just gone on to prove herself to be the most stuck up their own behind kind of hateful snob. I actually pity her children and anyone else who comes into contact with her.

Even if its just a very good PR stunt and she fancied getting her face on the TV a bit. I cant even admire her for that she is just the lowest of the low. The sort of mum who attacks other mums for basically not being like her.  If they give their kids names she doesn’t like, if they allow their kids to play out, if they don’t go back to work 30 seconds after the warm newborn is placed on their chest.

I don’t like mums who attack other mums (and of course im not talking big major safeguarding type issues). Parents who just get off on criticising other parent’s ways of doing parenting. Picking holes in them like bird through a vegetable net. Its like being turned on by members of your own team. Its hard enough as it is for goodness sake!

She needs to skulk back into her hole and never been seen again.

Phew that felt almost good 😉

Now I am supposed to tag people. But I think so many people have already done so if you are reading this then you are tagged! yes that’s YOU!



Where they are. right now. #motivationalmonday #mondayclub #magicmoments #whatsthestory

This is the FRENCH edition..we are currently on holiday and im entrusting these posts to WordPress scheduling so who knows if it will work. 😉

This months theme on motivational monday is children. Hey..guess what…

I have a few of those;)

So i thought i would give a little run down of each of the little folk who dwell here in this dwelling.

Today it is the turn of my third baby. Our sweet little girl who shocked us arriving such a short time after her sister. Only one school year separates them. Few months earlier and she would have been in the SAME school year as her sister! EEP!

She was an incredibly good baby and I remember thinking how easily she fit in. We used a double buggy by that stage that had a cute little baby bag carry cot thing and she spent a long time in that during the day. She was our first baby in a bag 😉

Anyway so right now, this little bundle of titian haired beauty is:

  • She is fiercely independent. The ‘I DO IT! started very early on with her and she is still very much the same
  • She loves animals, although perhaps not quite as much as her sister. 😉
  • She is a very talented dancer and we have had ‘talks’ from her dance teacher about how good she thinks she is and how she has the ideal character and personality to be a dancer (which I think was a way of telling us that her being so stubborn is a good thing!)
  • She loves performing. She was the only kid in her year 2 nativity play that did a solo dance on stage at the very beginning of the play. In her final year report her teacher wrote ‘perhaps Broadway beckons?’
  • She is a good ‘helper’ at school and her teachers are always saying how wonderfully polite and helpful she is. The OH and I have stopped looking at each other in surprise when we get told this now as it seems that those tendencies don’t always stretch to home life as well. 😉
  • She struggles being younger than her sister sometimes and being left out of things because she is not old enough to do them. To her, they are the same. To her older sister they most definitely are not 😉
  • She has the most incredible, contagious laugh
  • She is the only one of my children who has the hereditary condition of astigmatism and has to wear glasses as a result. The others have all been tested since she was diagnosed. She is so good about wearing her glasses that her vision has improved so much. We just tell her that one of her eyes is shaped in a different way and that the glasses help to tell her brain how to use that eye. We have been through a LOT of pairs of glasses though!
  • She has a ‘have-a-go’ attitude. At the bottom of the post I have included a video of her skiing. She was just 4 when we first went and we just put her in ski school and off she went without complaining and this was taken on the second to last day. (turned into more days actually thanks to a certain Icelandic cloud!) But she just pointed herself down the slope and off she went. We just take it for granted really that she will get stuck in and it wasn’t until I was chatting to someone else who took their nearly 4 year old boy on a skiing holiday and they said how he didn’t really want to go to ski school and was so tired after a few hours that we realised ‘oh!’ 😉 Just notice how she is NOT wearing a coat, or gloves or her goggles. That sort of describes her. Doing it. but in her own way!
  • She has a full dose of the celtic blood, red hair, blue eyes and freckles. We think she is simply stunning!

themondayclubMotivational Monday

Giveaway this month is for a fabulous luxury box of cosmetics from LUSH, that shop you can smell from all the way down the street. Just follow the rafflecopter instructions. Good LUCK

a Rafflecopter giveaway



#silentsunday #365 #socialpix


Weekly Top Shot #94TheBoyandMe's 365 LinkyOneDad3Girls



This week it is my little pre-schooler and a classic face that im sure so many of us would be familiar with? I think I see lots of nodding heads? 😉 What do you think she is thinking?

We are heading off to the sun…so will try to satcap comment lots when we return, you know hopefully with a tan and relaxed!!

*que hysterical laughter*


Mammasaurus - Saturday is Caption Day!