The daily shutter

We went off to the lovely Beacon Fell in Lancashire yesterday. It was a lovely day, the walk was nice, very muddy and we managed to find a few sculptures along the way. My son asked me if he could have my camera and take a few pictures. Making sure he had the strap wrapped around him very tight, setting to auto and lots of ‘don’t run’ ‘remember if you squat down the camera will hit the floor’ warnings. I pretty much left him to it. It was interesting to see what he had shot when i got back. He did pretty well. I did explain to him once or twice about allowing the camera to focus on something and then keeping still otherwise it will blur. Ive chosen this as my favourite, even though i think he focused and then moved as there is no point that is sharp..but i love the composition of it and the fact that we are all in it…just a bit fuzzy..but i think it adds to it. At the start of this little path we had spoken about the difference between light and dark and i think he had listened and was trying to get the feel of going to the light.

good job son.




the daily shutter..

That’ll be everyone then. I have no idea why my son was trying to nap. 🙂 Got to love that ‘bokeh’
