50 things. Number 46. #Countrykids #springcarnival

Flicking through the 50 things booklet from the National Trust, it was good to realise how much the kids have done already. I really love the idea of working through the booklet. The kids are really enthusiastic about it to which is all good. So far we are planning to get into some of the outdoors and have a go at  some of the other numbers that we are missing out on.

I think last week my OH may have been cheating a bit when he lit a fire in an old wheel rim in our yard. Not sure that qualifies as cooking on a campfire. If you are interested in the 50things check out the website and also hop over to the boy and me who is running a linky on that very subject.

So this week i thought i would reflect on something that is one of the 50 things that the kids have done many times, largely because of my OH and his background in climbing. The kids are encouraged to climb safely, taking care about hand holds, being aware of how high they are if they are bouldering, going to climbing walls and becoming familiar with be-laying and trusting your partner.

They have climbed on walls, boulders, trees and of course all the other random things that children like to climb.

I think its great for teaching them how to trust their own abilities and also each other! All pretty good lessons i think. It sometimes gives me grey hair and our youngest has without doubt got the climbing gene that is FOR SURE. We were finding her on top of bunk beds when she was only just over a year old!!

Spring CarnivalFamily Farm Holidays Cornwall
