
The other morning there was this weird orangey light. It was like the whole of outside had an instagram filter applied to it. It made me want to blink hard to try and re-configure the light, it didn’t seem right. I remember years ago when there was a massive dust storm somewhere in central Europe ( im a bit sketchy on the details!) but where we were living at the time in the south east of the UK..there was a light covering of red dust on everything and the colours around at that time reflected it. It was bizarre, like being inside one of those seaside sand shakers.

It was a nice light this morning of orange..but it felt odd…my eyes frantically sending messages to my brain along the lines of ‘the sky is supposed to be blue, this is ALL wrong!’ Our brain has its colour pallet and when things don’t quite fit into that it sort of goes into a mad scramble to sort it all out and make sense of it. The sky should be blue, the grass should be green, that fence should be brown etc etc….

I like the colour orange, its such a cheerful colour and so fantastic at autumn time, so many different types of orange just in the trees…but when the light gets involved too….

Its a little bit special…you just have to tell your eyes to go with it….


one week



Finding the gold

Finding the gold: When old prospectors would look for gold they would take large pan and grab up huge loads of gravel and sand, shaking it backwards and forwards to encourage the heavier gold to the bottom of the pan, at the same time the lighter materials which are worthless are worked up to the surface and swept away. This process is repeated until all that is left is the heaviest most valuable material. 

My finding the gold project is inspired by this description, searching through the daily stuff of life that is ultimately worthless…the stress, the what ifs, the tantrums, the work nonsense,…and finding those valuable bits of my day, my week that are the moments i need to remember. The things that catch my eye and are just beautiful in their simplicity unbidden and untouched by the daily grind. Things that make me smile, even if sometimes that smile doesn’t linger and stay.

Some weeks it is harder to than others, sometimes the pan feels like it is only full of gravel and sand. There are weeks when its hard to keep going, searching through the detritus of this crazy, busy, frantic stage of life. Times when having time to catch you breathe seems impossible let alone stopping to look… but then you catch a glimpse, even in the darkest of darkness a small shard of gold can shine out and lift your spirits.  Even if it is just one piece.

Can you find the gold in your day…?


Finding the gold

Finding the gold: When old prospectors would look for gold they would take large pan and grab up huge loads of gravel and sand, shaking it backwards and forwards to encourage the heavier gold to the bottom of the pan, at the same time the lighter materials which are worthless are worked up to the surface and swept away. This process is repeated until all that is left is the heaviest most valuable material. 

My finding the gold project is inspired by this description, searching through the daily stuff of life that is ultimately worthless…the stress, the what ifs, the tantrums, the work nonsense,…and finding those valuable bits of my day, my week that are the moments i need to remember. The things that catch my eye and are just beautiful in their simplicity unbidden and untouched by the daily grind. Things that make me smile, even if sometimes that smile doesn’t linger and stay.

Some weeks it is harder to than others, sometimes the pan feels like it is only full of gravel and sand. There are weeks when its hard to keep going, searching through the detritus of this crazy, busy, frantic stage of life. Times when having time to catch you breathe seems impossible let alone stopping to look… but then you catch a glimpse, even in the darkest of darkness a small shard of gold can shine out and lift your spirits.  Even if it is just one piece.

Can you find the gold in your day…?
