France en Scouse. #Countrykids #Springcarnival
We have a beautiful beach about an hour from where we live and this week on half term we have had a *few* days of lovely sunny weather. But not too many. So we made the most of it. It is a really beautiful area and we walked to the beach through the woods which so reminded us of our holidays in France. Those lovely tall trees with dappled sunshine and sandy under foot. Made us hanker after a cheeky bottle of red, a freshly baked baguette and some smelly cheese.
There was a little bit of posing by a certain little girl who had just got herself some new gigs 🙂 I think these are the best yet!
Formby is the home to the endangered red squirrels, you can walk along a lovely boardwalk area and try to see some of them. We usually do get to see some of them, they are quite friendly although obviously you are encouraged not to feed them!! The beach is owned by the national trust so there are plenty of signposted areas with little bits of information about the squirrels and why they are endangered. We had a lovely walk through that part of the forest. Including finding the most bizarre looking tree stump that looks like it just came straight out of the water in a scene from Captain Hook!
We walked to the beach which is wide and sandy for the kids to have a play, inevitably we had a toddler faceplant in one of the pools of seawater but she was pretty game about it!.
Wet kids meant home time eventually, once we had climbed the dunes out of the beach and a stop off for some tea on the way home.
All in all pretty good!
Its saturday caption day #satcap
just before this weeks #mamarazzi
This week i thought i would chat about one of my favourite elements of a DSLR. Its ability to in-camera light meter your shot. This makes me very happy and once you get the hang of what i could mean for you, you could really really change the look of your images.
But first….
I am flabbergasted to be in the final 6 for the Brilliance in Blogging awards for photography. I had a couple of tweets from some lovely ladies who i have never met but who i consider friends when the finalists were announced that just about sent me for the kleenex. I am so touched that people took the time to vote for me. Really. This blog is my heart. So thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you from me and rhubarb.