I bought a teepee a little while back, i think it was last year. My intention was to use it on lovely ‘concept’ shoots the sort that i have been inspired by so many times in the past. I have used it a couple of times but more often than not its been used by the cute little folk in my house. Initially i was a bit reluctant to let them loose on it. There is always a high probability in my house that something like this will get broken or drawn on at some point and so i was a little worried about it not being ‘fit’ for the purpose i had intended.
But gradually it has become part of our furniture, propped away from time to time but out for play..and yes it has been drawn on and broken in that time too!. My oldest daughters like to ‘camp out’ in it in our living room and my smallest two play a lot of games in there, sometimes they let mama join in too, especially when you play a game of peek-a-boo through the hole at the top!
I actually dont mind that it hasn’t fulfilled its initial purpose. I was maybe a little unrealistic to be honest. Dazzled by american photographers who can rely on good weather, beautiful hazy sun flare and warmth..when realistically the soggy summers and freezing springs we have had, haven’t actually lent themselves to extended concept shoots with little ones.
So for now, its purpose has changed but i don’t think it has less value. It is being well loved. It is part of some stories, cowboys, indians, tea parties, dolly get togethers, trips to the shops, imaginary journeys to foreign lands, and a few sibling fall outs 😉
My intentions may have been different but its purpose now brings a warmth to my soul when i hear it being bought to life.
Sometimes things just work out like that don’t they? Not always as planned but still as good.
i like that.
Giveaway time this week is for this super cute MINI BODEN tee for the little toddler guy or gal in your life! Just follow the rafflecopter as always. The winner of the LUSH gift box is Danielle Preira. Please contact me to get your prize! Congratulations!