A bit of a big kid #countrykids

Can’t resist going back to our holiday photos. I know it was a while ago but because i have been so slack at blogging lately there are still loads of cool things we got up to on our jolly that i have yet to post to the blog. So here we go again.

The title of this post is a bit misleading i suppose. I don’t actually mean it. Im referring to my OH who, when we were rock pooling and kite flying discovered some other things to get up to. Which, to be honest, is not a surprise at all. Not long after I met my husband I got a phone call telling me that he had, had a fall from a climb on a sea cliff in Devon. He isnt just ‘having a go’ at climbing. He is a climber and it, sometimes properly freaks me out as the height that they go is scary and also the small bits of ‘gear’ that is preventing them from plummeting to the ground gives me a coronary.

But one thing i do know and can be assured of is that if there is a bit of craggy old rock on a walk or somewhere near where we are…this will happen…

and I wonder why i am tearing my hair out with these bunch of lunatic, adrenaline junky kids i have on my hands? hmmmm. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Certainly our youngest has got a fair size smack of her Daddy’s climbing gene. She has done it since she could walk. I was looking through some images the other day and i came across this one, which is her climbing a stool that is UNDER a bench!

One thing that does happen when my OH goes on a bit of a climb is that the whole bunch of kids are compelled to follow him and then I have on my hands a bunch of over enthusiastic mountain goats climbing any which way to get up to the top of the rock. It can get pretty scary! Even the littlest is given a bit of encouragement to have a go! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ย excuse the nudity in this shot! ๐Ÿ™‚

After a bit of climbing and a lot of grey hair grown by me. We all scrambled to the top of the rock and then there was some time for admiring the view, the odd shoulder carry and watching the kites again. One of our favourite things to do we found.

Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


(not so) #silentsunday #socialpix #365 #whatsthestory

Now I know words are now way never allowed in silent sunday..but i couldn’t actually post this picture without a bit of an explanation (hence its my whats the story as well!) ย and also some credit because as much as i would like to say this image was all my own idea. The image is mine, I shot it in a recent baby shoot i had with a really fabulous couple who were up for trying something a little bit different to what i would normally do but i had seen the idea of this sort of shot from the inspiration of, Tracy Willis, who is an incredible baby photographer. ย I thought wow and i have to have a go at that!!

I dont often post images from my photography work here on this blog (which i think i have mentioned before) but this image is more of a work in progess for me and part of my journey with my baby photography. The website i use for my clients is a little different and less of a blog and ongoing story if you like than this blog. So..i thought this was the right place for it. Its part of my story and this blog is exactly that!!

I have been playing with this image all week so it is my image of the week. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh and just to add as a disclaimer…even though i am using this as a silent sunday image i am not (and rarely do) link up to the silent sunday linky as this doesn’t follow the hosts rules about no words and Im not a rule breaker…haha! not all the time anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky





Summer Maize #oneweek

Late to the party again…but sliding in hopefully before midnight with a combination post covering every linky i can!


Yes…*fans face*

My lovely friend Older mum is running her one week posts this week and i thought what a good way to get some of my summer memories up all in one go. Ive done a few before you can check out some of them here and here. So here we are with one of my little set of images i took on our recent holiday to France. We went from the North West of the UK to the Western coast of France with one car, a trailer, 4 bikes, 2 bike seats, 2 sandcrabs, 5 children and 2 adults (with the occasional loss of sanity). I could lament about the craziness of travelling long distances with kids but i recently read a blog that does it so much better. Read it and you know pretty much exactly how we felt.

So after our ‘trip’

We arrived in the beautiful Vendee region of France and the sun was shining. Which is BIG for me. I need the sun. Like properly need. ๐Ÿ™‚

Once we got through the stress of set-up and thats A LOT of stress. Our rule..is any negativity on the first day of holiday is to be discarded and let go…its the set up stress.

Then we started to take in where we were….

one thing i noticed..


Yes. Maize.

Lots of it. Everywhere and it was SO incredibly tall. High as an elephant’s eye ๐Ÿ˜‰

Knowing that Maize is obviously grown in this country and thinking i just be overwhelmingly unobservant of UK agriculture to have not noticed this jumbo sized crop before I actually went and took some pictures of it. It really does go for miles and miles and I could stand under it and shoot up in to the leaves.


And since returning we have noticed some british maize and it is nowhere near as tall as French Maize. So it must be the weather, or the soil, or the general Frenchness..I don’t know. But it is a lOT bigger over there and…



one week

themondayclubMotivational Monday

a Rafflecopter giveaway


#silentsunday #365 #socialpix

Weekly Top Shot #94

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky



#silentsunday #365 #socialpix

OneDad3GirlsTheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Weekly Top Shot #94
