Love love…

the annual over-priced, over themed, over booked day of love has passed.

Yes i am an old cynic about it and i do subscribe to the view that the anti-valentines folk evangelise. In that you don’t need to have one specific day a year to tell your other half that you love them. But it is nice to have a little bit of gift giving on the horizon in the bleak, grey winter days. My daughter got a valentines card from a young admirer at school, she is EIGHT! Nevertheless she was dizzy with excitement of it all and had marvelled all day at who it could have been and it sort of made me realise that those days when you awaited valentines from an unknown admirer have long passed (which is a REALLY good thing). But remember those? I had forgotten that whole aspect of valentines.

Apparently in America it is a HUGE event and the idea of an anonymous card would have the receiver thinking that the sender had merely been absent minded and not signed it. How different things can be.

This year we went for TEA and CAKE..Our theme and i think it was a pretty good one…and ever so slightly middle-aged!


Mad blogging…

MAD Blog Awards


I had been blogging a long time before i discovered the world of blogging. I had been taken photographs before i discovered photography and now those two things have come together and give me a lot of joy. I have made some new and very wonderful friends, gone on some incredible training days with some very talented photographers and have been lucky enough to write about it here. I love that.

In blogdom they have awards as in every area of life and it is always nice to feel a little love. Just recently announced are the MAD blog guessing the MAD is for mum and dads…it is specific to parents and as so many of us toil away with little thanks from the rug rats. Everyone goes a bit dizzy and flappy around this time.

So im asking in a dizzy way, with my head spinning at the possibility, if you might vote for me in the MADblogawards category of photography. There are other categories…lots..and i have no idea if i would fit into any of them…but hey why not..although prob not the craft one im thinking!

So if you fancy voting just follow the link by clicking on the box and follow the instructions. Last year i got nominated but didnt make the final and that would be quite simply amazing this year. My good friend and fellow quintuple mama,  Emma went last year and WON! It sounds like it was a pretty special night, she even got a couple of child free nights with her OH too!!

So there you go…

and for a little extra is my little peek-a-boo girl. Before she slipped over and demanded to be taken to the cafe for CHIPS!! at 10am in the morning! 😉

MAD Blog Awards



the daily shutter….the cone of shame… comes to most male dogs..well..not all…but he had ‘that’ operation. Suffice to say im sure he is feeling very miffed about it. He was pretty chipper going into the vets and even the pre-med they give him didn’t kerb his bouncyness…then fast forward to the evening and he has a big old hangover, has a cone on his head and is wondering what he is missing…

average night out for some eh?

To add insult to at his check up, i grassed on him and said i thought that if he tried really hard he could probably give “it” a good old lick…Which promptly got him upgraded to a bigger cone…

sorry pal 🙁




Team Lloyd



my son took this shot. There must be a story there im thinking….
